Quality Assurance Plan

We at Agarwala Construction ensure that the highest quality standards are maintained and the product strictly adheres to the requirements of IS 458: 2003. This involves strict checking of the inputs, a vigilant and careful supervision of the manufacturing operations and appropriate testing of the finished products. A multi level checking system ensures that the product is error free and we achieve high degree of consumer satisfaction, which is at the core of every policy that we frame.

We intend not to manufacture only quality products but also create goodwill amongst our client group, where we stand for integrity, trust and uncompromising spirit for high quality standards. Below, given in brief, are the details of the various checks that are undertaken at our manufacturing unit.

Sl. No Component/Operation Characteristics Checked Extent of Check Format Of Record
1 Dimensions a. Length, b. Inside Wall Thickness Lot wise as per IS 458:2003. Internal Inspection Reports
2 Finish and Workmanship Inside and Outside Finish Lot wise as per IS 458:2003. Internal Inspection Reports
3 Hydro Static Test Water Pressure Lot wise as per IS 458:2003. Internal Inspection Report
4 Three Edge Load Bearing Test Load Test Lot wise as per IS 458:2003. Internal Inspection Report
5 Permeability Test Outside Permeability Lot wise as per IS 458:2003. Internal Inspection Report
6 Raw Materials Compositions, consistency. 100% MTC, Internal Test Reports
7 Marking a.Class of Pipe, b.Dia of pipe, c. Type 100%
8 Packing Loose 100%

Ensuring proper quality of the raw materials is important. A systematic plan is implemented at the material receipt point to ensure proper filtration of the inputs. Cement, Stone chips and Iron Reinforcements are the main raw materials used.

  • Cement: Superior Quality OPC,PPC or PSC cement is used in the concrete. The same ensures high degree of strength and durability. MTC is received from the cement producers and appropriate documentation is maintained. A mix design adequately obtained from Jadavpur University is used for ensuring appropriate strength.
  • Stone Chips: Stone chips are brought in from Pachami which is known for the superior quality of its aggregates in West Bengal. 10mm, 12mm and 20mm stone chips are used. Sieve Analysis is conducted on samples of the input receipts and the results are adequately documented.
  • Sand: Sand or Fine Aggregate is obtained from Ajay River and sieve analysis is regularly conducted on samples obtained from the consignments received, to ensure its conformity with IS 383.
  • Iron Reinforcement: Iron used in the reinforcement is a crucial factor, determining the strength and durability of the precast products. Superior quality hard drawn is iron brought in from manufacturers in Durgapur and Kolkata, whereas TMT bars used are from the leading producers in the industry.

Quality is of prime importance to us. Hence we ensure that it is taken care off at various stages of the production process:

  • Cage Making: The cage which forms the basis of the pre cast pipe is made in accordance with the specification laid down in IS 458:2003. Constant supervision is maintained and the cage weight is monitored to ensure adequate compliance with the standard. Fitting of Mould: The cage is fitted carefully in the mould. Adequate measures are taken to maintain its static position during the casting process. The fitted mould is then laid over the machine.
  • Concrete Mixing: Stone chips, Cement and Sand are mixed in the prescribed ratios to form M-35 grade of concrete. The inputs are measured to bring about higher precision and superior quality. Concrete cubes are taken for testing compressive cube tests after 7 and 28 days.
  • Spinning: The RCC Spun Pipes are manufactured as per the horizontal spinning process. A strong check is maintained during the casting process. Precautions are taken to ensure consistency in thickness. Final polish is applied to bring about the smooth finish

The responsibility does not end with the production. A continuous process evaluation against the standards allows us to pin point instances of deviation. Testing of the manufactured products is undertaken to obtain an assurance in relation to the quality of the products.

  • Curing: Adequate deep water curing, along with water sprinkler sprinkling, is provided to the reinforced products manufactured, namely RCC Spun Pies. Curing Compound is used where required. We realize how important the curing process is for the strength of the concrete and ensure a minimum curing time of 7 days.
  • Testing: We have successfully installed an adequate review system within our premises that systematically conducts testing on the manufactured products, tests as required to be performed by the Respective IS Codes. The results so obtained are documented for future reference and control purpose. Concrete cubes are casted and tested against the compressive force to mark their strength.
  • Stocking: Proper care is taken at the time of stocking of the materials. Special attention is required for RCC Spun Pipes, due to their more sensitive edges.

For more information about quality action plan for RCC Hume Pipe production please download or view PDF